Dirt Currency
[This is Travis Dotson's “Ground Truths” column that appeared in the 2021 Spring Issue of Two More Chains.]By Travis DotsonHave you recently been part of a who’s gonna get that job discussion? It amazes me how much we love this particular prattle. We spend many minutes gaming out the probable outcome of various vacancies and the double secret down-low that everyone knows.
What Does "Module as One" Mean in 2021?
Wildland firefighters attend a socially distant fire briefing.By Dr. Jennifer SymondsFire and Aviation Management Medical OfficerU.S. Forest Service
Siberian Smoke -- the Power of Zooming Out
[This was the featured article in the 2021 Spring Issue of Two More Chains.]By Erik Apland, Field Operations Specialist (Acting), Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center
AARs: Why Do We Do Them?
Photo by Kari Greer.[This article by the Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center's (LLC) Analyst Travis Dotson was originally featured in the Fall 2013 issue of Two More Chains.]
It's Not Just You: Burnout and Stress in the Practitioner Community
by Annie SchmidtThis article was originally posted on the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network Blog and is reproduced here with their permission: LINK TO ORIGINAL BLOG POST
Same as It Ever Was...
Reading through some previous issues of Two More Chains recently, I came across this piece that really struck a chord. This article by Travis Dotson in the Winter 2015 issue stood out to me because its content and message are as relevant -- or even more so -- now as it was when he wrote the piece.
The Lunch Spot
Recently, during a Staff Ride Round Table, my group had a discussion on the significance of “The Lunch Spot”. Lunch spots play a key role in wildland firefighting. They provide a break, a meal, time to reflect, time to analyze, and unfortunately, they also have played pivotal roles in unintended outcomes. How often do we use “The Lunch Spot” as a place to take a tactical pause? Utilizing your lunch spot to analyze what is really going on, just before the peak burning period sets in, will help you make sound decisions.
CAUTION - The Pack Test Involves Risk
The Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center (LLC) has a record of 5 Work Capacity Test related fatalities within the past 10 years.We recently took a close look at reports